Public distribution system, See your village list APL, BPL, AAY, NFSA

Public distribution system, See your village list APL, BPL, AAY, NFSA
Public distribution system, See your village list APL, BPL, AAY, NFSA

Public distribution system has been implemented in the state for the food security of the poor. The Director, Food and Civil Supplies Office under the State of Gujarat, Department of Food and Civil Supplies plays a vital role in making it functional. Monitoring and supervision of regular supply of foodgrains and other commodities on a monthly basis through fair price shops is carried out in coordination with various agencies for the management of public distribution system.

In addition, the demand and supply of goods are also controlled and monitored as per the Essential Commodities Act as well as the control orders under it.

Ration card

Generally, every family residing within the state has the right to get a ration card. For this, the head of the family has to give full details in the prescribed form prescribed by the state government and apply to the office of the Taluka Mamlatdar / Zonal Officer of his area with supporting evidence. As per the provisions of the Citizen's Charter, the Taluka Mamlatdar Shri / Zonal Officer has to check the application of the applicant and as per the

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